Member-only story

I am Vietnamese-American. My parents became refugees and fled to the United States after the Fall of Saigon in 1975. I was raised to listen and follow instructions. That was how Asian-Americans became known as the “model minority” as we behaved the way America wanted us to. Never are you to raise your voice or disagree.
Some part of it is because we knew it was the fastest path to assimilation. Other parts of it are more ingrained in our culture. You never challenge those older than you even if you believe them to be wrong, as many Eastern cultures believe elders are the wisest so they couldn’t actually be wrong. You are to obey your elders.
I am disciplined. I am obedient. I, for the most part, fall into the stereotype.
BUT, I am also American. I found it difficult to complain about the United States because I always felt grateful that I was able to live a much better life here than if I was born in Vietnam. The American dream became a reality for us. My parents worked hard and put all three of their children through college. But the reality is that not everyone has equal access to this American dream.
My silence and inaction did not help. If anything, it makes it worse.
George Floyd
Breonna Taylor
Ahmaud Arbery
Eric Garner
John Crawford III
Michael Brown
Ezell Ford
Dante Parker